Quillows can be all sorts-Quilts into Pillows...
and then there is Billows.... Blankets into Pillows
Some Quillows I have done:
and this one I am working on
Pugs can be athletic too
The Plan Done in Paint
John Deere Tractor:
Simple 1 piece tie quillow I added a minky back to and then quilted
Pansy Quillow:
The side you cannot see is Polar Fleece with pansies on it... Outline quilted through minky--Notice Using the pillow pocket to warm feet...LOL
His-- a Ravens Fan Quillow:
Got Extra Fabric... Make a neckroll or a scarf
Quillow Open with lighthouses showing Lighthouses
Redskins Fan Quillow:
Redskins Quillow Open... Antique Car, Motorcycle and Truck Embroidery
Redskins heads are outline quilted through the minky
Redskins Side of quillow opened
Coffee Quillow:
Two pretty sides to the Coffee quillow pillow
Coffee Quillow opened
Jam Session Quillow in use...LOL
Here are some Billows done.... Folded into the Pillows-Basically Minky with Machine Embroidery:
Horses Reversible
Simple Quillow:
Only the pillow pocket is pieced... the rest is one piece quilted
Quilt From Past Dresses-all cotton dresses I made in High School and the back is pieced mint green batiste for a very soft feel. It was my first quilt in 1965. WHEW... donated to Church... it was tie quilted.
Quilted minky blanket used for Stork Bag Wrap of Shower Present..: Later I received this--